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Job Hunting: Gearing up for the Interview

job hunting advice and interviewingIt is a time consuming task looking for work and can often be unpleasant no matter what the reason. However, this can be an excellent opportunity to turn your life around and begin to work within an industry or job that you enjoy or that better suits you. This article can help those goals of today become tomorrow’s reality.

Social media can help you land a job and increase your profile, so use sites like LinkedIn to help get your name out there.

Dress to impress for an interview. You must also be prepared when searching for a job. Always have an updated resume available that highlights your qualifications. Make sure your resume is the best it can be to generate more interest and to reach your financial and personal goals faster.

Create a list of questions that you will ask during the interview. There will normally be a time at the interview’s end in which you can ask questions. Always have at least 2 questions to ask which will show the employer that you have some interest in the job.

Check on all of the references you provided on your job application to make sure the references are good to use. Everything else could be fine but you could have that one bad reference that you don’t know about that can hinder you so it is best to verify your references.

Always be aware of the fact that a company has the ultimate goal to make a profit. You need to present yourself as an asset the company can use to earn more, for instance, by mentioning situations in which you did a great job. You need to show that you’re honest and responsible and also that you will be an asset and can solve their problems and provide solutions.

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