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How to Prepare for a Career Fair: 4 Things to do Before the Big Day

When you’re looking for a new job or career, it can feel like there’s never enough time. But in order to stand out from the competition, you need to prepare ahead of time. That way, you won’t have any blind spots when it comes time to walk through that door.

Before your next career fair or hiring event, take a moment and think about how ready you are to make an introduction. You might be surprised at how much you can do before the big day with just a few simple steps. Here are 3 things you can do now to prep for your upcoming job fair or hiring event

Make a list of who you want to meet

Before you go to your next career fair or hiring event, take a moment and make a list of who you want to meet. This might be someone from the hiring team, human resources, or someone in a key position in your field. Don’t just stop at the people who are in management or leadership.

You’ll be surprised at how many connections you can make if you are more open. You might also want to think outside of your industry. Often, there are connections in different industries that can be beneficial. For example, if you are looking for a job in finance, you could meet someone in HR who works in another industry and can give you some insights.

Research the company before you go

Before you head to your next career fair or hiring event, research the organization or company. This can help you get a better idea of what the company does and who works there. You can do this in a few different ways. You can search the company’s website, read online reviews, and get in contact with people who work at the company.

This will help you learn about the organization and get a better sense of the people there. You can also reach out to recruiters or hiring managers who work at different companies. In these types of connections, you can get a better idea of the culture and work environment.

Don’t be afraid to network in person

If you are looking for a job you will often find that reaching out to people in your network is a key way to find opportunities. However, this isn’t always easy to do. That’s because we often hold back when it comes to networking. We are afraid of making a fool of ourselves and saying something stupid.

But networking is a great skill that should be used in every job search. The best way to network is to be yourself. Networking doesn’t have to be awkward or forced. It can be natural and relaxed if you approach it right. To network in person, you can reach out to people in your network and see if they are open to meeting in person.

Many career fairs or hiring events will have in person networking events where you meet in a smaller setting to get to know people in a more casual setting. This can be a great way to meet people and network in a less intimidating way.

Bring a resume

To top off your pre-event prep, bring a resume even if you aren’t planning on using it. Make sure your resume is free of errors and the best it can be.


Whether you are looking for a job or career change, or you just want to build your skills and network, going to a career fair or hiring event can be a great opportunity. However, it can be nerve-racking and you may worry you won’t find anything there.

Even if you don’t find anything right away, you can learn a lot and make connections that can help you on your path to finding a job. Before heading to your next event, take a few minutes and make sure you are prepared. With a little bit of prep, you can feel confident and ready to meet new people and find opportunities.

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