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Uncover Gems in the Job Market with Job Postings in Numerous Places

Have you ever wondered why a recruiter will post the same job opportunity in different places? The fact is that there’s no one platform to announce job openings. Hiring managers are evolving with the changing world and leveraging every digital edge to attract the best candidates for the job. This explains why you’ll see creative advertisements all over the place and not only on job boards. You then have to think outside the box and step out of your comfort zone if you are on the lookout for job opportunities. Organizations are putting themselves out there to equip candidates with all the information they need. So, applicants have to step up as well.

Back to the question on why a recruiter will go the extra mile to advertise job opportunities. A major reason is that recruiters want to meet people in their active niche, i.e., people who are not actively job seeking but are open to new opportunities. This explains why the pandemic was not a hindrance to recruitment as many recruiters focused on specific platforms to attract the most qualified talents in different fields. Hiring managers have come to understand that experienced candidates are quite selective and will usually do more research into a company’s background before applying for a job opening.

At the end of the day, organizations with an attractive and detailed profile that puts them in good public light are more likely to attract choosy but more qualified candidates. If you have often come across company interviews showing employees having fun in their day-to-day activities, now you know why.

Uncover Job Opportunities Using the Many Sources Available
To discover strategic jobs on various platforms these sources are helpful.

A Target List
The first step is to start with a strategy in mind so that you’ll know where to look. Have a list of companies that you’ll like to work for. This will help to streamline your options so you can know the companies to target and increase your chances of success. Now, these companies may not be hiring but have them on your target list so that you’ll be among the first to know when they decide to hire new talents.

A Company’s Career Page
Here you’ll find job openings as well as glimpses of the company culture and its people, but that’s not all. If you search further, you’ll find the company’s links to its social media platforms as well as its professional profile on LinkedIn. These platforms will give you an insight into the nature of the company, the perks of being a part of the system, and of course an opportunity to connect with the people behind the social media scenes.

Follow the Hashtags on #Social Media
Many companies promote job opportunities on social media platforms and you can find as many as possible with hashtags. For example, try searching for #jobs, #vacancies, #webdeveloper, #writer #hr, etc. and you’ll be amazed at the number of jobs in the results. You can also follow hashtags based on your target companies or desired locations.

Companies are on Instagram to connect with their customers on a more personal and friendly note. It’s also an avenue to attract employees that can relate to their culture. Go right ahead and connect with your ideal companies on Instagram. You’ll be among the first to notice when there’s a job for you.

Many jobs are on Facebook. Facebook is one popular platform you should get more familiar with as a job source if you haven’t already. Hiring managers and companies alike now turn to Facebook to announce openings that need to be filled within the shortest possible time. Follow Facebook groups, stories, and updates that highlight job opportunities in the company, industry, or city you’ll like to work in.

Linkup with LinkedIn
LinkedIn is an obvious job board, the more reason you should take advantage of all its features and updates. A major feature is a portal that provides you with information about the career paths of people in related roles.

Pinterest is similar to Instagram but with its own unique audience. Some hiring managers often reach out to candidates by sharing job openings on Pinterest. If at least one of the companies you’re interested in has a Pinterest account, you should be on the platform too, ready to jump at career opportunities as they come.

Craigslist as the go-to-place for awesome purchase deals attracts a lot of browsing traffic. Hence, recruiters will often share jobs with the audience here rather than on job boards. You however have to be careful about how much personal information you put out here. Be digital smart and ensure you double-check the background of the people and organizations you interact with.

Interact with people
Some job opportunities are never advertised. Better still, the openings are filled up before they even got a chance to be put out there. If you want to be in the know and uncover in-house job opportunities you need to start interacting with the people on the inside. Candidates who are referred often stand a better chance of getting hired. Start your interactions by creating a networking list of the people you know in the different companies or fields you’ll like to work in.

Gig Work
Gigs are great to help hone your skills as well as generate some income on the side. It’s also an alternative though the informal way to get employed by the company if you do a good job consistently.

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