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Why a Resume Overhaul will Improve Your Job Search Efforts

When creating a resume you need to think of the employer, yourself, and the competition. If 200 apply for the job that means you have to outshine 199 applicants. Generally, employers realize that it is better to hire no one than to hire a person that is not qualified or worse a problem employee. This is due to the time and expense needed to train a person and when it doesn’t work out the cost exceeds the benefit. In addition, if it is a problem employee one bad apple can create havoc in the working environment.

Does your resume create a good first impression? Catch the employers attention right off the bat and be on their short list. Many candidates have good resumes. What you need is a great resume developed by experienced professional resume writers who have written resumes in your career field. A seasoned resume expert who will eliminate doubts from the employer’s mind when reading your resume. The hiring manager is looking for reasons not to interview so they don’t waste time and energy. They want to eliminate the risks of “what if.”  That is why knowing someone or being recommended by someone for the job is highly beneficial and gives the hiring manager more confidence in hiring you verses a stranger off of the street (which is what you will initially be considered) but after reviewing your resume they start to see you as a fit and your resume grabs their attention much like a good movie and you want to see the end of the movie which is the job interview.

Ensure proper formatting on your resume

Improper formatting causes important information to get lost in the sea of content. Just because something is on your resume doesn’t mean it will get read. This is why you need bullets or a combination of paragraphs and bullets to make the resume easy to read and you need to have a flow on the resume that is natural and pleasing to the eyes- visual appeal. Employers are busy just as you are. They want you to come in and hit the ground running, be ready, and willing to learn. They want to see your motivation. Upgrade Resume Certified Professional Resume Writers do all of this on your resume as we intertwine using powerful language, keywords, and finesse to make your document polished.

The job search is competitive and there is no escaping it. Whatever industry you are in has its challenges. Candidates are vying for a single opening so utilizing a professional resume consultant will improve your chances of success. The money you invest while searching for professional resume companies should exceed the rate of return.

Pass the ATS

The ATS eliminates candidates who are less qualified before a human reads it. This is a science that a professional resume specialist has mastered. The resume also needs to be formatted correctly. Examining job descriptions, using the right language, incorporation keywords and buzzwords in your industry, and building out sections of your resume the right way will help you get through the ATS and help you get selected by the hiring manager for an interview. No pain, no gain or less gain so diligence has to be put in developing your resume. It is important to make the resume not okay, not good, not excellent but great due to the heavy competition for the job and high stakes involved.

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