Senior Executive Service includes most managerial, supervisory, and policy positions classified above General Schedule (GS) grade 15 or equivalent positions in the federal government. The SES application will be reviewed by the Qualification Review Board (QRB) and it must include the Executive Core Qualifications (ECQs), meet the Technical Qualifications, and present your experience to the highest level. We ensure that the resume demonstrates your leadership, innovation, preparation to deal with challenges, developing relationships, and building coalitions. We leverage your past achievements to show a distinguished career and produce a resume that is direct, powerful, and shows your responsiveness to the needs, policies, and goals of the Nation. We are highly skilled and trained in utilizing best practices that have earned interviews. We also build out the resume and ECQ’s so you can reuse the resume to apply for multiple positions with minimal adjustment if necessary, making your investment extremely worthwhile.

Five page SES ECQ All- inclusive resume:
The Executive Federal Resume format for the SES position is 5 pages. There is a government-wide trend for the five page format for SES positions which includes all of your experience and education. This a difficult process given the volume of information that has to be reduced to 5 pages and to showcase the most important facts of your leadership qualifications.
5 Page SES Resume and separate ECQs:
The ECQ is a separate document which can be up to 10 pages or the specified number of pages the job announcement requires. It must be written in the Challenge-Action-Results Model which is a mandatory writing style as required by the Quality Review Board of OPM. We focus on matching your accomplishments, leadership, and skills to each ECQ.
ECQs may be replaced with federal agency’s selection of five executive competencies such as Strategic Vision, Coalition Building, Leadership, Resilience, Human Capital Management, and others selected by the hiring agency.
There is variation depending on the job announcement and agency’s selection criteria. It is critical to follow the job announcement instructions. We can develop the traditional resume or convert it to the 5 page SES resume.

The 5 Executive Core Qualifications:
We ensure that the ECQ’s match the over 20 leadership competencies.
Leading Change – The ability to bring strategic change within and outside of the organization to meet organizational goals. Factors include Creativity and Innovation, External Awareness, Flexibility, Resilience, Strategic Thinking, and Vision.
Leading People – This core qualification involves meeting the organization’s vision, mission, and goals and how you lead people. Factors include Conflict Management, Leveraging Diversity, Developing Others, and Team Building.
Results Driven – Achieving high quality results by applying technical knowledge, analyzing problems, and calculating risks is the focus of this core qualification. This includes meeting organizational goals and customer expectations. Factors include Accountability, Customer Service, Decisiveness, Entrepreneurship, Problem Solving, and Technical Credibility.
Business Acumen – The ability to strategically manage human, financial, and information resources. Business examples include Financial, Human Resources, and Information Technology Management.
Building Coalitions – The ability to achieve your goals through building coalitions internally and with other federal agencies, local and state government, foreign governments, nonprofit and private sector organizations, or international organizations. How have you built coalitions to achieve your mission? Factors include Partnering, Political Savvy, and Influencing/Negotiating.