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5 Things to Take Away from a Bad Job Interview

You walk out of the meeting room and you have that sunk feeling that most of us experience at one time or another- the interview didn’t go well. You may have been in the intricate process of job hunting and doors may or may not

professional resume writers online

Personal Branding is Real, Not a Social-Media Experiment

Personal branding is about packaging various aspects of one’s character and qualifications in a manner that sells the individual and it is also valuable to have a professional resume. It is about marketing the talents, skills, and expertise that you possess in order to increase

executive resume writer

Job Hunting: Focus OR ELSE

The job market is flatter than a pancake in some sectors and there is no time to be wasted while others forge ahead and jockey for position, any position in this economy…. YOUR position. It is better to know this “chilling”unemployment reality and face it

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Resume Writing: Life & Career in 7 Tidbits

I’ve spoken to headhunters, recruiters, executives, and human resource directors enough to know that they are inundated with hundreds of resumes they ultimately toss. Unfortunately, “paperwork” is a psychological D O W N E R to even the most sophisticated professional. How many friends do

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Will Your Resume be Remembered?

You may have heard the expression that it is not what you say but how you say it. In resume writing it is what you say and how you say it. Employers glance at a resume and make a judgment call in 15 seconds. Your

professional resume service

Seven Things You Must Know to Interview Well

Congratulations! Your resume has been reviewed, you received a call for an interview, and it is time to begin the process of seeing if the company is a fit for you and if you are a fit for the company. The first step to an

resume services

Is it Time to Restrategize Your Job Search?

Searching for a job requires setting aside time to specifically to search for a job, dedication, persistence, exploring different avenues, and using effective resume writing. Searching for a job is a job itself. It is important to create the skill sets from your previous work

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Career Change Resume to Trigger Responses

Career change resumes are needed for those who are changing their career for example from a Financial Analyst to a Marketing Associate. The resume has to use skills from past jobs and word them in an effective way to relate to the new career that

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